

Rogers E Miller (1971)

 'An idea, practice or object perceived as new by the relevant unit of adoption, whether it is an individual or an organization'

 APEID (1977)

 'An effort to introduce a practice in order to bring about a social change. The practice need not be totally new: its efficeincy and potentiality in a new context are the main criteria used in labelling is as innovation. The emphaisi is on change in terms providing a strategy to deal with specific local or national problem'

 Vanterpool (1990)

The characteristics of an innovation that predict a high probability of success are implicit in the following questions:


1. Relative advantage (compare with what exists)


2. Compatibility (consistent with values, xperiences, needs)


3. Testability (can be tried on an experimental basis)


4. Observability (can be seen in action)


5. Complexity (ease of use)